Generate 3D models of projects efficiently by using GeometryGym plug-in for Rhino3D and Grasshopper. Manipulate data using parametric design. Utilise Rhino and Grasshopper plug-ins to achieve the real power of generative design. Choose between any Open-Source platform and convert your 3D models to any system you need using IFC. Take advantage of IFC capabilities and insert 4D and 5D information into your 3D model. Create your workflow. GeometryGym is capable of reducing and optimising your IFC file size.
The structural analysis detection engine of GeometryGym can reduce your model replication. It allows you to transfer BIM models with automatically exported node snapping, model clean up and restraint generation. Rhino to Revit collaboration is easy when you use RhinoInside and GeometryGym together. BIM applications that GeometryGym is capable of working with: Revit, Rhino/Grasshopper, Tekla, Navisworks, Archicad, Bently and still growing.
Structural analysis apps: SAP2000, Etabs, Robot, Sofistik, Strand7, SCIA, Oaysis GSA, SpaceGass, Karamba3D and many more.